Give refugees with a permit the best start
Do you have space in your heart and in your home to host a refugee for three months?
Why we do it
By staying with a host family, refugees with a residence status (status holders) get the best start in the Netherlands. While staying with a host family, a status holder can experience the Dutch language, culture, and customs up close for a period of three months. This significantly supports their integration into our society.
Open your heart and home to a refugee. We ensure a good match and provide personal guidance.
Our host families rate the hosting experience an 8.4. They find it enriching to get to know their guest from a different culture.
500 +
Matches in 2024. Or better said: over 500 unforgettable experiences and warm welcomes.
Matchmakers who voluntarily match people throughout the country.
Curious? Everything you would like to know.
Do you have to eat together every day?
"We enjoy having him join us for meals, and I think it's also a great opportunity for him to practice his Dutch. When it’s just the two of us... I mean, we've known each other for forty years, and eating together is just part of our routine. But when you have a guest like Mo, you naturally take more time for it."
How long will your guest stay?
"After the first week, we said to each other, ‘He can stay as long as he needs to.’ When Mo told us that he was sharing a room with five others and that this was the third time one of his roommates had attempted suicide, we realized how terrible his situation was. It only made sense for us to offer him a place in our home."
Marloes: “De buren horen de saxofoon. De saxofoon is wel wat harder dan ik van tevoren had ingeschat. Sulaiman speelt namelijk saxofoon en dat doet hij heel erg graag en ook nog eens heel erg goed. Maar dat hebben we op een hele goede manier opgelost en onze buren onderschrijven dit initiatief geweldig, dus helemaal prima!”
Julie en Roeland: “Die vraag moet je eigenlijk niet aan ons stellen, want bij ons klikt het heel goed. Ja, Mo is een beetje onderdeel van de familie geworden.”
Tonny: “Dat is me één keer overkomen. Bij mijn tweede gast. Als je echt merkt ‘dit wordt het niet..’. In mijn geval heb ik gezegd: dan maar drie maanden, in plaats van langer.”
Marloes: “Takecarebnb zorgt voor een goede match. Voor ons was het belangrijk dat hier in huis veel muziek gemaakt wordt. Daar moet iemand wel mee om kunnen gaan en daar hebben ze beide keren echt heel goed voor gezorgd.”
Heb je andere vragen, kijk dan bij veelgestelde vragen. Staat jouw vraag daar niet bij en wil je contact met ons? We bellen je graag!
We will help to arrange it well
What is it like to open your world for three months to someone from another country, with a different culture? You get a whole world in return! That’s what we keep hearing from our host families. We've been doing this for almost ten years, and it has brought countless wonderful experiences. Of course, it’s a big step to welcome someone into your home whom you don’t know. We completely understand that. That’s why we carefully match hosts and guests and stay involved throughout the stay.` `
Gastgezinnen vertellen zelf over hun ervaringen in onze podcast.