We give refugees the best start
Open je wereld en je huis voor een vluchteling met een verblijfsstatus. Takecarebnb zorgt voor een goede match en persoonlijke begeleiding.
Why we do it
Wij willen dat elke vluchteling met een verblijfsstatus onderdeel wordt van onze samenleving. Een goede start is daarvoor heel belangrijk. Daarom is het de missie van Takecarebnb om deze mensen de beste start te bieden voor hun nieuwe leven in Nederland.
Our host families rate the hosting experience an 8.4. They find it enriching to get to know their guest from a different culture.
+ 1300
Refugees helped by staying with a host family. (And another 3449 Ukrainian refugees.)
Matchmakers who voluntarily match people throughout the country.
Become a host family in four steps
You can register by filling in the form on our website. Then Takecarebnb will find a ‘matchmaker’ near you who will invite you to an interview. Together you will discuss all wishes and expectations for the stay. You will know exactly what to expect and the matchmaker can find a suitable guest.
If the ‘matchmaker’ has found someone suitable, they will introduce you to each other at your home. The matchmaker will be present and ensures that important affairs are discussed. A few days later, you will evaluate the introduction with your matchmaker.
If the introduction went well and you and the guest connect, you will plan a trial weekend. The matchmaker will also call you a few days after this meeting to hear how it went and if you really want to welcome this guest.
Do you get along well? Then the three-month stay can begin! During this period, the matchmaker will remain involved and is always available for questions from you or your guest. If your guest has no prospect for a home after three months, the matchmaker will organise a meeting to discuss the different options together.
Wij helpen je om van de logeerperiode een succes te maken. Met de juiste voorbereiding wordt het voor jou en je logé een bijzondere ervaring. Daarom krijg je begeleiding van een persoonlijke ‘matchmaker’, van de intake tot de evaluatie.
We will help to arrange it well
What is it like to open your world for three months to someone from another country, with a different culture? You get a whole world in return! That’s what we keep hearing from our host families. We've been doing this for almost ten years, and it has brought countless wonderful experiences. Of course, it’s a big step to welcome someone into your home whom you don’t know. We completely understand that. That’s why we carefully match hosts and guests and stay involved throughout the stay.` `
Gastgezinnen vertellen zelf over hun ervaringen in onze podcast.