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Together we give refugees the best start!

Our mission

Een goede start vergroot de kans aanzienlijk ​A good start considerably increases the chance that a refugee with a residence permit becomes part of our society. That is why Takecarebnb offers these people the best start of their new life in the Netherlands.

Zo doen we dat: drie maanden samen

Takecarebnb verbindt vluchtelingen met een verblijfsstatus voor drie maanden aan een Nederlands gezin. Daarnaast werkt Takecarebnb samen met andere instanties om zich hard te maken voor de beste start voor deze mensen. ​

  • Weer mens

    Ze voelen zich weer mens door de rust, ruimte en persoonlijk contact bij het gastgezin

  • Vliegende start

    Ze vinden hun weg in de buurt en in de Nederlandse taal en cultuur

  • Leven vormgeven

    Ze geven hun nieuwe leven vorm door met werk of een studie te starten en een netwerk op te bouwen

  • Acceptatie

    De acceptatie van vluchtelingen met een verblijfsstatus groeit naarmate meer mensen hen goed leren kennen. Dat vergroot hun kansen en draagt bij aan de sociale cohesie in onze samenleving

Onze werkwijze

In alles wat we doen, staan onze vier kernwaarden centraal.

  • We connect

    We create encounters that connect different worlds. Those involved learn from each other which makes prejudices disappear. We share stories to engage people inside and outside our organisation with our work.

  • We are driven

    Offering the best start to all status holders in our country, that’s what drives us. We always strive to make the best match between guest and host family. And we continually look for ways to offer more status holders this chance.

  • Our approach is personal

    We are involved and warm when conversing with guests, host families and each other. Connecting is about people. And people are unique.

  • We work carefully

    We spend a lot of attention on the matching process. We respect each other’s wishes as equals. We are transparent in everything we do.

Where our story started



Takecarebnb was founded in 2015 by Reinout de Kraker. While he was staying in an Airbnb, he read about the resistance among certain parts of the population against the arrival of refugees. His idea was simple: if refugees stay with Dutch people, both parties get to know each other. Instead of foreign, they will become familiar to each other. He enthused a big group of volunteers with this idea.


Successful start-up

In 2017 nam Takecarebnb afscheid van de pioniers en organisatoren van het eerste uur: Maja Grcic en Jonna Kleinsma, die met veel geestdrift Takecarebnb van een goed idee hebben opgebouwd tot een succesvolle startup.


New phase

In 2018, Takecarebnb entered a new phase: from start-up to scale-up. With an enthusiastic team and a growing circle of volunteers, we were building a stable organisation. We made a pilot agreement with the COA and reinforced our collaboration. The relations with partner organisations such as the Dutch Council for Refugees, churches, funds and municipalities also grew. Because of this, the number of matches continued to increase.


Positive evaluation

In 2019, the Verwey-Jonker Institute evaluated – on behalf of the COA – the effectiveness of our activities. Our work proves to have a big impact. The research concludes that staying with a host family ‘contributes to a faster start of building a new life in the Netherlands for status holders’. This positive result supported our mission and method.


Anniversary and covid

Takecarebnb celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2020. Despite the covid crisis, online matching continued, thanks to our vigorous matchmakers. During this anniversary year, steps were also made to accelerate the growth of the number of matches thanks to a multi-year subsidy from the Ministry of Justice and Security.


Crisis in Afghanistan

During the second year of covid in 2021, the Afghan crisis broke out. This resulted in many new refugees coming to the Netherlands. Thankfully, more host families registered with us too. The collaboration with the COA was continued through a long-term contract. The number of matches doubled compared to the year before.


Reception of Ukrainians

In 2022, another crisis broke out, this time on the border of Europe. Many Ukrainians fled West. Although this was a different target group than the ‘status holders’ Takecarebnb normally places, we quickly became deeply involved with the reception because of our expertise. We did this in collaboration with the Dutch Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Dutch Council for Refugees. Because so many host families registered with us, the placing of status holders also experienced a big boost.


Stop van RefugeeHomeNL

In 2023 hebben we samen met meer dan 30 matchmakers ongeveer 600 matches tussen statushouders en gastgezinnen gerealiseerd. Dit staat gelijk aan het aantal matches in 2022. Tot eind 2023 werkte Takecarebnb met enkele organisaties samen aan de opvang van vluchtelingen uit Oekraïne, onder de naam RefugeeHomeNL. Vanaf augustus sloten de inschrijfformulieren en werd er niet meer gekoppeld. Door de ervaringen uit dit project hebben wij ons als organisatie verder kunnen ontwikkelen.

The faces behind Takecarebnb












IT en BI Specialist


Chief Surprises Officer




Coördinator matching


Administrator matching


Coördinator matching en klachtenfunctionaris


HR adviseur




Communicatiemedewerker en fotografe


Financieel adviseur


Coördinator matching


Communitymanager en Matchmaker Academy




Team Matching

Become a volunteer?

There is strength in unity

Takecarebnb werkt waar nodig en mogelijk nauw samen met andere schakels in de ‘asielketen’. Daarnaast ontvangen wij steun van diverse fondsen.

The COA enables status holders to temporarily move out of a reception centre and stay with a host family. The hosting scheme was composed for this. Takecarebnb regularly confers with employees of the COA about specific guests and the functioning of the scheme. The COA has financially supported Takecarebnb’s services since 2019.

VWN represents the interest of refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands from the moment they arrive up to and including the integration into Dutch society. Besides partnering with us for RefugeeHomeNL, VWN already supported Takecarebnb with advice and lobbying. Takecarebnb shares knowledge and experience of matching refugees with VWN.

For a few years, municipalities have been responsible for the entire integration process. That’s why we collaborate with as many municipalities as possible to accelerate and improve it. Takecarebnb offers the proposition to make the hosting scheme part of the integration amenities and can match more accurately in the meantime if the municipality exchanges linking data of status holders.

The Ministry of Justice and Security supports the development of and executes the immigration policy and the policy based on the Netherlands Nationality Act. The Ministry not only employs the COA but has also supported Takecarebnb directly in the context of growth and professionalisation since 2021.

Het Ministerie van SZW is verantwoordelijk voor de integratie en inburgering van nieuwkomers in de Nederlandse samenleving en is als zodanig verantwoordelijk voor het functioneren van het inburgeringsstelsel (Inburgeringswet 2021). De verantwoordelijkheid voor de uitvoering van de wet is sinds 2021 bij de gemeenten belegd. In dat kader onderhouden we regelmatig contact met dit ministerie.

OpenEmbassy is an action-based research agency that tackles integration issues and has been connected to Takecarebnb for a while. In 2023, OpenEmbassy investigated the impact of RefugeeHomeNL’s placement process on the autonomy of Ukrainian refugees.

De Thuisgevers (‘home givers’) helps find temporary housing for status holders, just like Takecarebnb. However, there is a notable difference: de Thuisgevers look for empty buildings or floors that they can convert to temporary living spaces. Takecarebnb finds host families who want to temporarily receive a guest. De Thuisgevers mediates between local municipalities and social organisations to enable the placement of status holders. Guidance is provided by buddies. Takecarebnb and de Thuisgevers help each other find as many living spaces as possible.
De Thuisgevers bemiddelt tussen lokale gemeenten en maatschappelijke organisaties om plaatsing van statushouders mogelijk te maken. De begeleiding gebeurt door buddy’s. Waar mogelijk helpen Takecarebnb en de Thuisgevers elkaar om zoveel mogelijk woonplekken te vinden.

The Cirrus Foundation supports organisations that contribute to improving human rights and organisations that offer solutions and insight into climate challenges. Cirrus stimulates a proactive approach. Within the theme of human rights, Cirrus wants to actively contribute to projects that focus on freedom and equality between people. Equality can only exist by embracing our differences. This creates a balanced society with opportunities for development for all. Takecarebnb’s work connects seamlessly to this goal. Cirrus will support Takecarebnb up to and including 2025.


VSBfonds supports cultural and social organisations that ensure that everyone in the country can, may and wants to participate in our society, regardless of age, physical and mental capabilities, gender identity, sexual orientation, education, religion or cultural background. This is realised through money, practical knowledge and networks. VSBfonds will support Takecarebnb up to and including 2026.


The Oranje Fonds promotes involvement in society. With our support, people meet each other or find a new place in society. The Oranje Fonds wants to promote social cohesion as well as social participation. To realise these goals, the Oranje Fonds supports projects that improve or renew social infrastructure. The Oranje Fonds also invests in projects that triggers positive social dynamics. Oranje Fonds will support Takecarebnb up to and including 2025.

The Kansfonds supports initiatives that are aimed at ‘home giving’. More than 1 million people in the Netherlands don’t have a home; they lack what is needed for a dignified existence. The Kansfonds wants to discover what can be done differently and what the social causes of ‘homelessness’ are. It encourages organisations to try daring solutions and to propel those that work. Kansfonds subsidised projects of Takecarebnb and contributed to Geef Tijdelijk Thuis.

Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds supports institutions in Utrecht and Rotterdam that pursue a social, cultural or ideological goal which strengthens or improves social structure. The institutions must rely on volunteers and operate on a non-profit basis. Elise Mathilde Fonds subsidised projects of Takecarebnb and contributed to Geef Tijdelijk Thuis.


Corbello annually supports a large number of charities, including Takecarebnb, through donations to NGOs. These donations are made possible by generous contributors.