Staying over for three months
We are convinced that staying with a host family will help you get to know our Dutch society, language and culture better. In three months you can build a Dutch network and with a bit of luck, even start your civic integration course. Sounds good?
We’ve got a great team of volunteers working for us as ‘matchmakers’. These people work hard to make the best match between you and your host family. You’ll meet your matchmaker several times from the intake until the evaluation of the match.
Guest families
All over the Netherlands there are people helping refugees to find their way. They become ‘Taalmaatje’ to teach you our Dutch language, organise activities in the Asylum Seekers Centres or enroll as a host family. Some are living alone, others have (small) children. Some are retired, others still work many hours. We look for a nice fit between you and your hosts.
Takecarebnb organisation
We’re very happy the number of families has grown over the years but still there are more refugees applying than guest homes… We try to help as much people as we can.
Become a guest in four simple steps
Do you have a resident permit as a statusholder, to stay in The Netherlands? Then you can enroll for our program. If not: please wait to register until you have received your permit. In the registration form we ask you some questions and with that information a so-called Matchmaker starts looking for a suitable host family. This might take several weeks or more likely months, since we specifically look in the neighborhood of your new home. To manage your expectations: in most cases the matchmaker will only contact you for the personal intake the moment we find an available family.
The moment we think we’ve got a match, we’ll arrange a meet and greet with you and your future family. Your personal matchmaker will join you and makes sure all important issues will be discussed. The main goal of this meeting is to feel: will I be able to have a good time with these people?
If you and your family both feel happy about the first meeting, you plan to stay over for a weekend. During these days you get the chance to get to know each other better. After this weekend you and your family decide whether to proceed to the three months stay.
You need to make some arrangements with your new municipality and COA but after that’s all arranged, you can pack your bags and enjoy the start in your new hometown!
During your stay with the dutch family you’re in the hosting scheme of the COA. This does not affect your waitingtime for your own house.
More information
You can apply if you:
- Have a valid residence permit
- Are 18 years old or older
- Speak English or some Dutch
- If you think that it would be enjoyable and useful for you to stay with a Dutch host family for some time and get to know their way of life
We cannot help you if you don’t have a permit. Please wait with your application until you’ve been granted your permit.
As from 2024 COA communicates that a certain group of refugees without a permit may stay-over at friends’ or families’ homes. Takecarebnb does not match refugees without a permit. The effect of matching refugees on host families is still unclear (how long, which municipality?) and we simply don’t have enough hosts to accommodate refugees.
Once you have applied to Takecarebnb we will appoint a so-called ‘matchmaker’. These volunteers work hard to find the most suitable match between you and a host family. After some time, your matchmaker will get in touch and invite you for an introductory meeting to look jointly at your application and get a good understanding of your personal situation, your preferences and expectations. This can take some weeks or more likely months due to the great number of applications we receive from refugees.
Based on your answers we will draw up a profile and start looking for a suitable host. Once a suitable match has been identified, the matchmaker will arrange a meeting for you both. The matchmaker will attend this meeting and makes sure important topics are being discussed.If this meeting works out well and there is a ‘click’ between you and the prospective host, an appointment will be made for a try-out weekend. If this also works out well for both parties a temporary stay arrangement can be put in place.
Unfortunately, we’re not able to make a match or even plan an intake with every refugee who applies.
We’re very sorry to say that we’re not able to make a match for every refugee who applies. We’re constantly looking for new host families but still more refugees apply than host families. We do our utmost best for you, but we cannot assure that a match will happen.
Once in a while we send all refugees that applied an email with the question to respond if you’ve already been granted a house. That way we can update our database. We hope you will help us with that procedure.
This regulation refers to a three-month period of stay with a host family. All the rules and conditions can be found on the website of COA.
At the moment The Netherlands is suffering from a big shortage of homes. Due to this situation, it can take from a few months up to 1,5 years before you receive your own place to stay. After you’ve stayed with your host family for three months, chances are quite big there won’t be a home ready for you yet. In that case, your matchmaker will discuss several possibilities with you and your host. If you’re both happy living together, you might be able to stay for another three months. If not, the matchmaker might be able to look for another family for you to stay at. Your last option is to return to an Asylum Seekers’ Centre.
Yes, you should continue with stamping and can do that at the Asylum Seekers’ Centre that is nearest to your host family.
Yes, this is possible. You can make arrangements for this with your host family.
In such a situation we will consider the possibilities and look for a solution together with you. It is also possible to return to the Asylum Seekers’ Centre.
COA stay over regulation allows you to keep your weekly financial allowance. In addition, you will receive 75 euros per week.
You need to make arrangements about this with your host family before you start staying with them. The matchmaker can help you with that.
Yes, that is allowed, and rules are the same as for Dutch citizens. Any earnings should be reported to COA. The earnings will be deducted from the COA allowance.
Yes, you can travel, and the rules are the same regardless of whether you live in an Asylum Seekers’ Centre or with a host family. You must be available to report to COA within one day, for example to accept a house. As this normally takes place on weekdays you will need to make sure that if you travel on a weekday, you are able to return within a day.
We always ask a host family to prepare a private room for you. This room can be closed by a door and at least comprises of a bed, closet and chair.
During the intake and first meeting, you will discuss your needs and the expectations of your host. Would you like to have dinner together? Is that once a week, every day or rather not? Do you look forward to being shown around in the neighbourhood or to meet friends and family of your host? Every person is different, every match is unique! The aim though, is alike for all participants: to give you a nice start in your new country.